Covers Timber & Builders Merchants’ Chichester depot recently held a free event where local tradespeople and property owners were able to speak directly with some of the industry’s leading suppliers.
Visitors engaged with and saw demonstrations from paving manufacturers Brett Landscaping and Bradstone, specialist hand and power tool distributors OX Tools and Toolbank, artificial grass manufacturer Namgrass, and chemical product specialist Sika.
Landscaping product manufacturer Azpects, screws and fastenings suppliers OSC Sales and Spax, door distributors LPD Doors and PM-Mendes, and product experts from Covers Timber Services were also on hand to provide advice and answer questions.
The suppliers invited visitors to take part in fun challenges to win Love2shop gift cards on the day, and there were special offers and free food and drink available.
Martyn Beck, depot manager at Covers Trade Centre in Chichester, commented:
“With over 25,000 products stocked across our branch network, it’s important that our customers have the opportunity to meet suppliers to learn more about our range and receive advice, and it was fantastic to welcome market-leading suppliers to our demonstration morning.”