Covers Home Ideas in Chichester will be hosting a free cookery and flooring open day on Thursday 1st November.
Not only will foodie enthusiasts get the chance to witness NEFF demonstrator Adrienne Cleasby cook up some classic brunch favourites, but the Covers’ team will also be on hand showcasing the very latest flooring ranges.
The day will commence with Adrienne Cleasby, who will be at the showroom between 9am and 1pm, creating a delicious array of brunchtime delights. From blueberry pancakes and breakfast sausage puffs, to banana fiesta bread and cheese scones, visitors will have the chance to watch Adrienne, sample her creations and then try making them at home.
Then between 3pm and 7pm, Covers Home Ideas’ flooring specialists and suppliers will be available to offer expert advice and information about all things flooring. During this time, visitors to the showroom will each receive a free goody bag and entry into the raffle to win an Irwin tool bag worth £300. A free buffet and drinks will also be available.
Covers Homes Ideas Manager in Chichester, Richard Murrell, commented:
“It’s going to be an eventful day with plenty of opportunities for our customers to find out more about what we do at Covers Home Ideas and how we might be able to help them with their latest project. Whether they’re planning a new kitchen or looking to create the perfect floor, this is the ideal opportunity to come along, enjoy a free drink and get some top tips from our experts.”
The event is free of charge and everyone is welcome to attend – no registration required.
Covers Homes Ideas is based on Quarry Lane. For more information, please visit www.coversmerchants.co.uk.