Here at Covers we’re passionate about making your ambition for a sustainable home a reality. Within our Home Ideas depot in Chichester, you will find our Eco-Centre where you can view the wide range of eco technologies and products that we have on offer. Our Eco-Expert is on hand to give you up-to-date information and guidance to help you choose the most appropriate solution for your individual circumstance.
If you’re ready to get started, you can book an appointment with our Eco-Expert now and someone will be touch as soon as possible to go through any questions you have and help you decide on the next steps. You can also call our energy showroom on 01243 791478.
However, if you’re not quite sure that our eco-energy alternatives are for you, read on for a bit more information about our most popular solutions and why you should choose eco-energy products.
Why choose Eco Energy Products?
There’s never been a better time to opt for eco-energy products in place of traditional fuels such as coal, gas or oil. With energy costs set to rise faster than inflation, eco-energy products are an excellent long-term investment that are better for both the planet, and you.
Eco-energy alternatives can see a reduction in energy and water usage, as well as improving your living environment and reducing your carbon footprint.
The average household uses most energy on heating and hot water, and together these incur the most cost. To really save money where you live it is important to focus on heating, hot water and insulating against heat loss.
Here at Covers we have product that can help with this.
Air Source Heat Pumps
Air Source Heat Pumps are a popular and efficient way to reduce fossil fuel consumption, particularly when in place with underfloor heating.
The Heat Pumps work by extracting heat from the air to heat water. The heat they generate is approximately three times the energy used by the compressor and the fan. When Air Source Heat Pumps are specified correctly there is no requirement for additional heating sources, and they can supply both heating and hot water in most domestic dwellings.
- Environmentally friendly
- Low running costs
- Low maintenance
- Higher installation cost
- Outdoor unit can be considered unsightly when it is not disguised
Underfloor Heating
Installing underfloor heating is widely considered one of the most efficient heating systems while also be a value for money. The system also adds a touch of luxury to the home.
By installing pipes designed to carry warm water under the floor around your home leads to a more even room heat at a lower flow temperature. As well as this underfloor heating delivers heat in the bottom of the room, where it is actually needed, rather than directing it to the ceiling as traditional radiators do. Underfloor heating also makes room layouts more flexible as wall space isn’t lost to radiators.
- Environmentally friendly
- Reduces energy bills
- Provides even heat
- Installation costs can be higher than radiators on new builds
- Can be expensive to retrofit
Sustainable Insulation
Insulation is one of the key components of sustainable building design. A well-insulated home reduces energy bills by keeping the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Here at Covers we offer a few different sustainable insulation options which all have a similar thermal performance.
Sheep’s Wool is a non-itch product made from both sheep’s wool and other sustainable fibres which enhance the performance and workability of the product. Natural wool will also control moisture to an extent, unlike other insulation options, which make it ideal for areas of high condensation and humidity.
Hemp insulation is also a non-itch product which is denser than other forms of insulation which means it is not only a great thermal insulator, but also an acoustic one. Because of its rigidity, hemp insulation is often specified for wall applications.
Recycled Plastic Bottles is the most inexpensive of the sustainable insulation options, it is also easy to work with and non-itch. It is easy to tear both ways making it great for intricate and abnormal sized spaces.
Cellulose (recycled newspaper) is a loose fill product which is good for underfloor and between joist applications. It is very lightweight so needs to be installed in areas with no draughts.
Solar Photovoltaic
Solar panel electricity systems also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the suns energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells do not need direct sunlight to work, they can generate some energy even on a cloudy day.
Generating electricity this way offers reduced energy bills and generous financial incentives from your energy company through export tariffs. They can be fitted to south, easy and west facing roofs as well as on flat roofs and on the ground.
The continuing advancement in solar panel technology has led to panels and inverters producing more electricity for less capital investment. Batteries are also often fitted to store the free electricity for use in the evening and at a night-time. It is possible for a property to be “off-grid” for most of the year.
- Export tariff available
- Minimum maintenance
- Environmentally friendly
- Can be considered unsightly
- High initial investment
Mechanical Ventilation & Heat Recovery (MVHR)
It is important to keep the air fresh and healthy and to avoid condensation and damp in an airtight dwelling. An MVHR system will do this for you.
It works by extracting warm air from the kitchen and bathrooms and retaining that heat to distribute around the property. It can lead to reduced heating costs and a healthier air quality.
The vents on the system are connected to a central fan unity with a heat exchanger and is usually only fitted to new build properties, but it is possible to retrofit in some circumstances.
You can see a working display of an MVHR system in our Eco-Centre.
- Reduces fuel bills
- Improves air quality
- Complicated to fit
All of these eco-energy options are available to view in our Eco-Centre in Chichester. To book an appointment to chat with our Eco-Expert please click here. Someone will be in touch shortly to confirm the details and go through any initial thoughts or queries you have about your eco project. You can also download our Eco-Energy brochure here for more information on all our eco products.