Covers Timber & Builders Merchants in Chichester has helped Fishbourne Primary School to improve its playground facilities by donating a tonne of play sand.
A group of children from the school’s reception class made it their mission to clean up the existing sandpit in the KS1 playground. Working together, the children spent hours tidying the area and making it look as good as new. The donation from Covers helped put the finishing touches to the project.
Rebecca Holden from Fishbourne Primary School, said:
“A huge thanks to Covers for their kind donation. The children are so pleased to have sand in their sandpit again and are really benefiting from playing in it at every opportunity.”
Martyn Beck, who is Branch Manager at Covers Chichester, said:
“We always enjoy lending a helping hand to schools in our community so when we heard that Fishbourne Primary School needed some play sand for their sandpit, we were happy to help. We hope the children attending the school enjoy using their new and improved sandpit for many years to come.”